Public Realm Works
In addition to one-off bespoke public realm schemes, Loughman has experience of delivering term contracts covering public realm works, where we have worked closely with our Local Authority Customers to manage a programme of improvement schemes across a borough.
We work closely with our Customers and affected stakeholders to plan and organise works so that working areas and timing of operations are scheduled to prevent the least convenience. Our Stakeholder Liaison Team are available to support public relations and proactive communication with statutory authorities and local stakeholder groups.
Attention to Detail
Loughman pride itself in the attention to detail that we provide in the workmanship of our public realm schemes. We recognise that high quality construction and finishing of the works is critical to achieving the architectural and local amenities for the benefit of the public and local residents.
Our experience covers a number of areas including:
- Bituminous surfacing
- Paving using natural stone and precast products
- Kerbing and street furniture
- Planting, trees and soft landscape maintenance
- Land drainage
- Architectural lighting